Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ENGL685 #4 - Coding...No, Not THAT Kind of Coding...ffs...

Gotta getcha getcha getcha getcha head in the game

The first thing that struck me was the sheer volume of data there was to analyze. I know we said in class that, during a career, you analyze lots of different data all at once and coding helps with that, but...well, maybe when you have a specific goal in mind, it's easier. If you're reading for something specific, you can highlight that stuff and move on. Mining data just to mind data is a little...weird. I know it's practice, but I think that made doing this a little harder. Much like the project research journal assignment I felt like I wasn't sure what the direction I was supposed to be heading in was.

Gonna give this a shot, tho. My assigned targets are listed below, as are the things I noticed about their portfolios.

  • JSe, CSm, JSm, MW
    • College Objectives (All)
      • Split vote between coming to college to learn and coming for additional activities. 
      • All but one included some kind of "professional" caliber photograph. 
      • Likewise, two chose charitable organizations for their "academic" choice (the other two were academics related). Half skipped social group mention.

    • Extracurriculars (Some Data Inaccessible - CSm, JSe, MW)
      • One list, the other two were in more "formal" formats (presentation and resume)
      • All include at least one picture from a mentioned event
      • All keep explanation of events short (1 - 2 lines), with the exception of the PPT which was 10 slides
      • Three list (at least in one instance) the time spent at events/charities

    • Academic Materials (All)
      • All portfolios held a vast variety of educational materials
      • Composition entries varied widely by subject and didn't seem to have much (thematically) in common
      • This was the hardest to "code" because I didn't get what I was looking for. Some students did things like keep prompt materials, some didn't, none of their classes (outside of comp) really matched up to have comparables...looking forward to learning more about what the deal was in class!

Kristi- Surprisingly, we did things much the same! Woop woop! We both used the contents of the folders over a lot of the contents' contents (since a lot of that stuff didn't have much in common).

Katie- Golly, I can't even download this giant word document...she used lots of pictures tho. Whatta beautiful nerd 10/10.

1 comment:

  1. YES...having a focused research question helps frame what/how/where you look for information while coding data. Hopefully it helped drive home the need for a focused question as well as having operationalized methods/protocols for analyzing the data.
